Monday, December 31, 2012

042: Goodbye 2012.


The year I: 

Became a mama. 
Rode in a C130. 
Held a tutoring job. 
Celebrated my 2nd wedding anniversary.
 Nearly died. 
Discovered strengths I never knew I possessed. 
Started writing again. 
Prayed more fervently than ever before. 
Flew on planes with my baby who didn't cry.
 Made an effort to eat consciously. 
Rekindled my love for photography. 
Drank water, lots and lots of water.
 Learned the value of a dollar. 
Started my 2nd quilt.
 Lost old friends.
 Made new friends. 
Cherished nap time. 
Treasured play time.
 Began to love myself after years of hiding the hate. 

Whew. Big year.

blessings in 2013, sgym

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

041: Let's Be Jolly 2012

Merry Christmas!

As I'm rocking Malachi to sleep, I wanted to share some pictures from this Christmas morning.

Hubs and I are going to take full advantage of this naptime with breakfast, relaxing, and finishing up the grandparent presents.

I hope your holidays are merry and bright!

Christmas blessings, sgym

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

040: "Time is a Champion Racer."

My baby is 8 months old today.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? What did that happen?
Just yesterday I was laying in bed, Mal asleep on my chest, watching my DVR.
Just yesterday I was holding a special needs bottle in my left hand and a nipple shield in my right.
Just yesterday I was a broken record saying, "Watch his head..."
Just yesterday I was tiptoe-ing around my living room so as not to wake the sleeping boy in the bassinet.
Just yesterday I was lamenting that I couldn't even change my own baby's diaper.
Just yesterday I was hovering over a sleeping baby on his first airplane ride.

So many yesterdays already. So many to come. I hope I can keep focused on the today.

Here are the moments from today's monthly photoshoot.

happy eight months.
I love you, little man.

blessings, sgym

Monday, December 17, 2012

039: Mama Monday, in tears.

Tragedy stuck the country last Friday.
More importantly, it stuck a small town community.
Specifically, it struck mamas and daddies.
It struck brothers and sisters.
It struck aunts and uncles.
It struck grandparents and godparents.

It struck dreams and hopes.

All that is left are prayers.

Prayers for abundant hugs in this time of grief.
Prayers for a graceful transition for the little angels.
Prayers for family gathering around the mourning.
Prayers for love and peace.

Lovely mamas of CT, I'm praying for you.
I know Nashville prays for you.
I know Tennessee prays for you.
I know America prays for you.
I know the world prays for you.

I know it will never be enough.
I hope you are surrounded with the warmth of family and well-meaning friends.

That's really all I can say. My tears are for you.
They are for your angel children.
They are for your angel mamas.

blessings, sgym

Friday, December 14, 2012

038: After a tragedy...

I have spent the better part of today crying. The news of the senseless shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary has completely broken my heart as a mother, as a teacher, and as a human being.

There is about to be a huge backlash about gun control laws, mental illness, and the safety of our public schools. I want to address just a small part of this and hopefully encourage someone.

Homeschooling is wonderful. I was homeschooled. I am even considering homeschooling my son in the future.

After today, it is important to remember that so many public schools are GOOD, SAFE places for our children. Because of one man's insanity there is going to be a huge backlash against these good schools and great teachers.

I hope people choose to homeschool for anything except for fear. If fear rules our lives, then we wouldn't be living. We would avoid all public places. No malls. No movie theaters. No parks. No might clubs. No farmer's markets. No school plays.

We can't live like that. Instead, we need to be MORE involved in our schools. Know your teachers. Know your child's friends at schools. Know the principals. Know the coaches. Know the custodial staff even. Because tragedy struck this quiet community, it does not necessarily mean that we should pull our children out of public school by the hundreds.

After studying education and being in and out of the public school system myself, I realize everyone's situation is different.

There are so many great reasons to homeschool, I hope no one lets fear be their number one reason.

Hug your precious ones close tonight. There are so many families that can't.

blessings, sgym

Monday, December 10, 2012

037: Mama Monday, Babywearing Dads.

So, yes, technically this post is a Mama Monday post. But I need to talk about Dads for a moment.

To be specific, babywearing Dads.

Babywearing Dads are not wimps.
Babywearing Dads are not whipped.
Babywearing Dads are not ridiculous.
Babywearing Dads are not hippies.
Babywearing Dads are not pushovers.
Babywearing Dads are not pansies.

Babywearing Dads are wearing their baby.
Babywearing Dads are holding their baby.
Babywearing Dads are looking to bond with their baby.
Babywearing Dads are possibly helping Mama out.
Babywearing Dads are trying to soothe their baby.
Babywearing Dads are having fun with their baby.

Babywearing Dads are Dads too.

Making loud comments about how you "would never want to look like THAT" or "would rather just carry the baby like this, that way is so stupid." Especially within earshot of that babywearing Dad? Please. We left middle school a loooooooooooooong time ago. (Maybe?) This has happened to a friend of mine. Her husband works long hours, so on the weekend, he wears their precious daughter so he gets extra doses of bonding time with her. Because he's her Dad. Because he wants to.

Making rude comments is stupid. I have no other words for it. Stupid. 
Be a parent to your kid and he'll be a parent to his kid.

.... Well, that was a rabbit trail. 

My main thought about babywearing Dads?

They are dead-sexy.

Ok ok, I might be a little biased, since this is my hubs.
But seriously. 

Real men wear babies too.

That's the end of this Mama Monday. Baby wearing. Dads. Love them. Let's not degrade our fellow papas for their parenting choices. Especially when they're this adorable.

Feel free to leave a shoutout in the comments for an awesome Dad you know. Does he babywear? Does he give baths? Does he snuggle before bed? Does he sing silly songs? Does he wrestle in the living room? 
They come in all persuasions! Make sure to give them some extra love!

blessings, sgym

Sunday, December 9, 2012

036: Headband Sunday #2

Headband Sunday! It's here! Today I sported a beaded fascinator-esque headband. Lucky me, it coordinated nicely with one of my shirts! Love when that happens, don't you?

I know this day isn't over yet, but I needed to post now since little man is teething and may keep me from functioning later! Up six times in a night, whew. (Wish someone had warned me about all the sleep I was going to lose!)

Stormy day. Starbucks to stay awake.
Headband Sunday to help stay happy.

blessings, sgym

Thursday, December 6, 2012

035: Thoughts Thursday: Try it.

I am a child of the nineties. My fond memories of school lunch included Dunkaroo's and Mondos. Capri Suns still bring back a flood of happiness. Don't get me started on Lunchables. And then they started making pizza ones too? A can of Dr. Pepper on a hot summer day after running around at the park with my siblings. Sweet tea and Ritz crackers with cheese. Ok. Getting too excited. 

We could say, "You ate that and you're fine."

Who wants to be "fine." Really. Think about it.

Maybe it's just me, but I want excellent. Spectacular. Fantastic.

I also want delicious. Scrumptious. Yummy in my tummy.

I battle allergies, soreness, and exhaustion. I can blame my 7 month old for some of the deprived sleep, but I've always felt tired. I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of thinking feeling "just fine" is fine. For me, it isn't. Not anymore.

I've been thinking about what I eat. I've heard "food is fuel." I've heard "you are what you eat." I've heard "I deserve this." I've heard myself say each of those a few times. Last night my husband told me he wanted to change what we eat too. I think I could have jumped to the moon I was so happy. So, as a family, for our son, for our future as a couple, for our health...

I'm learning. I'm reading. I'm listening.

So, here's the thought I'd share today:

My mom and I are participating in a CSA at Real Food Farms in Brentwood, TN.
This is a shot from when we picked up our half-share yesterday.

There's my food in the distance, growing.
I love that.

blessings, sgym

Monday, December 3, 2012

034: Mama Monday, you too?

They aren't lying when they tell you that you are never the same after having a baby.

You get (little to) no sleep.
Your body is unrecognizable.
You waver between missing it and discovering the new one.
You lose friends who you thought would never leave you.
You gain new friends who know your struggles intimately.
You now think of activities in terms of how they fit your child.
You want to try things just to see how your child reacts.
Your free time is spent breathing.
Your free time is spent hurrying.
Your free time is short lived.
Your free time feels weird.
Your free time feels precious.
You know you will never really have "free" time again.
You think your child is the cutest. Ever.
You know you're biased.
You don't really care.
You want to give them everything.
You want to show your child things don't matter.
You want your child to love you.
You want to do what's best.
You want to be different than your parents.
You want to be as wonderful as your parents.
You're constantly comparing yourself to your parents.
You never knew you could love someone t h i s m u c h.
You know you'll never love anything or anyone t h i s m u c h. Ever. Again.

You know, maybe that's just me. 

blessings, sgym

Sunday, December 2, 2012

033: Headband Sunday, The First!

Hello hello! How was your Headband Sunday? Epic? Sweet. I'm grateful for it as it was intensely windy here! Helped keep my crazy hair out of my face.

We had the annual Christmas party at my husband's job. Santa came riding in on a fire truck. One poor little red-headed fella found the siren too loud for him. Broke my heart! The wind was whipping up a storm and I stayed relatively sane since I had my hair mostly confined by the headband.

Are you celebrating too? 
Send a pic in of your Headband Sunday glory 
and I'll put in the next HS post!
E-mail it to casamosblog AT gmail DOT com !

purchased this one at ULTA.
(Jack Sparrow inspired? Maybe...)

If you need ideas, I've got a Pinterest board HERE for some inspiration.

It is bedtime for this lil' mama. Tomorrow is a day full of little man time and helping out at Gigi's house.

blessings, sgym