Sunday, January 17, 2010

005: Arizona 2009 in Pictures.

In June of 2009, I went on a trip to Tucson, Arizona with Cage's family. Cage, myself, and his two sisters drove from Nashville, Tennessee straight to their aunt's ranch in New Mexico. I believe in the town called Animas... I could have that incorrect. Anywho, we continued our journey after picking up two of Cage's cousins and finally arrived in Tucson! I love love love that city. The entire region is one scenic view after another. We visited the Chiricahua National Monument in Willcox, AZ, the Saguaro National Park in Tucson, and went up to 8,000 ft elevation on Mt Lemmon. Of course, I took pictures. And quite a few!

The first rays of sun as we drive into Animas, New Mexico.

Chiricahua National Monument - Willcox, Arizona

The famous vampires of Mt. Lemmon - Tucson, Arizona

The overlook on the way up Mt. Lemmon - Tucson, Arizona

Sunset in Saguaro National Park - Tucson, Arizona

Studying the wind - Tucson, Arizona

Smoke from wildfires seen from Interstate 10 in Arizona.

Sunset in Saguaro National Park - Tucson, Arizona

Jumping on not off Mt. Lemmon - Tucson, Arizona

Mother and Daughter climbed Mt. Lemmon - Tucson, Arizona

Me and my man on Mt. Lemmon - Tucson, Arizona

The sunset from the backyard - Tucson, Arizona.

Some trees at the Chiricahua National Monument - Willcox, Arizona

Being silly in the Chiricahua National Monument - Willcox, Arizona

Dodging the rain bursts in New Mexico.

An Arizona desert sky in the afternoon.

004: Hello Again, Dearest.

*brushes off the cobwebs*

Hello all. I'm not sure if anyone even checks this thing, but I have decided to give myself a hobby. A blogging hobby. Again. For the 5th time in my life. Yeah. So! I am going to make the next post a beautiful one with pictures from my trip to Arizona in June of 2009! I just used the fabulous picnik dot com to edit them a bit so they'll fit on the blog page. And I'll give more text updates as well. Topics including, but never limited to: the wedding, travels, my last semester at TN Tech, and what Cage and I are hoping for now that we are "adults." Stay tuned. It should be fun.
